
Low Budget Google Ads Strategies – 10 Google Ads Hacks to Outsmart Your Competition (Without Breaking the Bank)

by Toby

July 16, 2024

Low Budget Google Ads Strategies

Does your small business have a Google Ads budget that's dwarfed by your larger competitors? 

Don't despair!

Whether you're a one-person show, a growing team of 10, or a thriving company with 100 employees, making the most of a tight Google Ads budget is a common challenge.

But here's the secret:
you don't need a massive budget to conquer the Google Ads arena. With smart strategies and a little ingenuity, businesses like yours can outshine the competition and achieve remarkable results.

In this post, I’ll share 10 proven low-budget Google Ads strategies specifically tailored for small and medium-sized businesses that are on a small budget. We'll show you how to maximize your return on investment (ROI), attract the right customers, and drive meaningful growth – all without breaking the bank.

No matter where you are on your business journey, these actionable insights will help you leverage Google Ads' effectiveness and squeeze the most from your ad budget. Get ready to level the playing field, unlock new opportunities, and propel your small business to success.

Foundation of Successful Low-Budget Google Ads


Targeted Keyword Research: Unlocking the Power of Specificity

Keywords are the heart and soul of your Google Ads Search and Performance Max campaigns. 

To make the most of your budget, focus on long-tail keywords – those highly specific phrases that potential customers use when they're close to making a purchase.

For example, instead of targeting the broad keyword "shoes," try "women's running shoes for flat feet" or "sustainable vegan leather boots."

Additionally, utilize negative keywords to prevent your ads from showing up for irrelevant searches. This simple step can save you a significant amount of money by ensuring your budget is spent on clicks that are more likely to convert. 

Prefer to watch a Video on Low Budget Google Ad Tips?

Using negative keywords for Search campaigns is one of the most effective ways to cut down on wasted clicks that are not as relevant. If you're using Broad Match keywords, adding negative keywords is essential.

Here's how you can do that:

From within a Search campaign, click on Search Keywords, then click on one or more of your keywords to run a Search Terms report. 

Where to Run A Search Terms Report Google Ads

Where to Run A Search Terms Report Google Ads

Then review the Search Terms—these are all keywords that your ad showed for based on the keyword(s) you selected in the previous step. Identify ineffective keywords by looking at the conversion metrics or other keyword performance indicators, or words you know you do not want. 

Adding A Negative Keyword To Google Ads Campaign

Adding A Negative Keyword To Google Ads Campaign

Then, choose where to add that negative keyword - Ad Group, Campaign, or a Negative Keyword List.

Add Your Negative Search Terms to Campaign Ad Group or List

Add Your Negative Search Terms to Campaign Ad Group or List

Tip: Combine long-tail and negative keywords for a laser-focused approach that attracts highly qualified leads and minimizes wasted clicks.

Toby Danylchuk

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Compelling Ad Copy That Converts: Words That Speak to Your Audience

Your ad copy is your chance to make a first impression.

Speak directly to your audience's needs, desires, and pain points.

Highlight the unique benefits of your product or service and use strong calls to action to encourage clicks. For example, instead of saying "Buy now," try "Get your free quote today" or "Discover the difference."

Tip: Use your ad copy to "Pre-qualify" your audience by mentioning specific details about your product or service. This deters irrelevant clicks and ensures your ad spend focuses on potential customers.

This is particularly important for niches where Google limits demographic targeting, such as real estate and mortgage financing. Because of the Fair Housing Act, you cannot use age demographics in your Google Ads targeting in these industries which means your ads show to all age groups and incomes. (related posts on Google Ads for Mortgage Brokers and Reverse Mortgage Leads).

For example, if you were targeting homes for the 55+ community, ensure your ad copy reflects age to reduce the likelihood of someone younger clicking your ad.


Optimized Landing Pages: Where the Magic Happens

Once potential customers click on your ad, they land on your website's landing page. This is where the real action occurs – conversions, sales, and sign-ups. 

Many companies spend the bulk of their ad spend on buying traffic and neglect the landing page experience. By not aligning your landing pages to your ads, you can see a 10X increase or higher in your cost-per-click!

This is because Google rewards quality advertisers with lower costs.

Quality Score and Cost per Click Relationship

Quality Score and Cost per Click Relationship

So, if someone is searching for laser tattoo removal and that searcher lands on your med spa's Home page that talks about all your services, that's not a good user experience, and your Quality Score from Google will be lower. 

Here's an example from a Search campaign with low quality score keywords.

Example Low Quality Score Keywords

Example Low Quality Score Keywords

The message, design, and call to action should align to guide the visitor towards the desired action. And here's a more in-depth post about aligning your ads to your landing pages.

Tip: Regularly test and optimize your landing pages to improve performance and maximize your return on investment.

With a solid foundation in place, it's time to unleash your inner marketing ninja and outsmart your big-budget competitors. These ten clever Google ad hacks will help you stretch your dollars further, maximize your results, and leave your rivals wondering how you did it.

Read my related post about how to decide on the correct Google Ads budget based on your goals. 

List of Low Budget Google Ads Hacks


Bid Strategy Optimization

Manual bidding can be a powerful tool for controlling your costs, but it requires time and attention. Consider starting with automated bidding to gather data (e.g., Max Clicks with a max set for cost per click bid) and then experimenting with manual adjustments to fine-tune your strategy. Most of the options for Google Ads are now for automated bidding. 

Google Ads Bidding Options - Manual - Automated

Google Ads Bidding Options - Manual - Automated


Ad Schedule Optimization

Don't waste money showing ads when your target audience isn't active. Use ad scheduling (dayparting) to tailor your bids based on the days and times when your customers are most likely to search and convert. (Read my post all about Dayparting). 

Google Ads Scheduling - Dayparting - Spa Only Business Hours

Google Ads Scheduling - Dayparting

Watch the Video - All About Dayparting and Ad Scheduling


Device Bid Adjustments

Depending on your business type, you may want to prioritize mobile or desktop devices. Adjust your bids to focus your budget on the platforms that drive the most valuable clicks.

 So, if you know you get more conversions on mobile devices, increase your bid for mobile and lower it on desktop - this will focus your ad spend on the devices that perform better.

Where to Find Bid Adjustments Google Ads

Where to Find Bid Adjustments Google Ads



Don't cast too wide a net. Use location targeting to focus your ads on the specific areas where your ideal customers are located. This ensures your budget is spent on reaching people most likely to convert.

Or, if you’re unsure of the ideal geotargeting after your campaigns have run for some time, you can run a geotargeting report in Google Ads to see which areas are producing the most conversions. Then, either remove the underperforming areas or adjust the bid with a negative amount - here's where you can find that in Google Ads.

Google Ads Geographic Location Report of Where Ads Showed

Google Ads Geographic Location Report of Where Ads Showed



Recapture the interest of potential customers who have already visited your website or done business with you in the past.

Remarketing campaigns are often more cost-effective than targeting new audiences because you reach people already familiar with your brand. 

you can retarget past website visitors, people on a customer list (perhaps downloaded from your POS), YouTube viewers if you have a YouTube channel, Google Analytics, or custom combinations. Lots of great options to retarget in Google Ads. To create an Audience for remarketing, go to Audience Manager. 

Where To Create Audience Retargeting Lists Google Ads

Where To Create Audience Retargeting Lists Google Ads



A/B testing is your friend. Try different ad variations, landing pages, and targeting options to see what works best for your audience. Start with small-scale experiments to minimize risk and gradually scale up your successes.

Google Ads even has an Experiments section where you can run tests - here's where you can find that in Google Ads.

A word of caution: if you're running very small budgets, running experiments is likely not a great option since the campaigns won't have enough data to choose a statistically relevant winner. 

Where to Run A Search Terms Report Google Ads

Where to Run A Search Terms Report Google Ads


Automation Tools

While understanding the fundamentals of Google Ads is essential, automation tools can save you time and streamline your efforts.

Explore options like Smart Bidding and automated ad extensions, but always monitor your results closely to ensure they align with your goals. We have seen cases where Google’s automation of assets produced incorrect ad copy and used the wrong phone numbers in ads. Watch my video on Google Ads automation gone bad. 

Watch the Video - Is Google Ads Automated Assets


Competitor Analysis

Keep an eye on your competitors' ads to gain valuable insights. Don't just copy them but learn from their successes and failures. Identify opportunities to differentiate yourself and offer something unique to your target audience.

Just as you can see what Facebook ads are running for any Facebook page, you can look up Google Ads that any company is running - just click here


Measuring Results

Consistently track key metrics like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and cost per conversion.

This data will help you identify what's working and what's not, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your campaigns for maximum ROI.


Continuous Optimization

Google Ads is not a "set it and forget it" platform. Markets change, products and services are seasonal, consumer behavior evolves, and businesses change. Continuously monitor and adjust your campaigns to stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge.

Remember, you don't need a massive budget to make a big impact with Google Ads. By implementing these low-budget strategies, you can:

  • Target the right audience: Use long-tail keywords and negative keywords to attract qualified leads and avoid wasting ad spend.
  • Craft compelling ad copy: Speak directly to your audience's needs and pain points to drive clicks.
  • Optimize your landing pages: Ensure a seamless user experience and guide visitors toward conversions.
  • Outsmart your competition: Employ clever tactics like bid adjustments, geo-targeting, and remarketing to maximize your ROI.

Now, it's time to take action! 

Start implementing these strategies today and watch your small business thrive in the world of Google Ads.

Need a little extra help?

Don't hesitate to reach out to our team of Google Ads experts for personalized support and guidance.

Remember, success with Google Ads is an ongoing journey. By staying informed, experimenting, and continually optimizing your campaigns, you can achieve lasting results and unlock new growth opportunities for your small business.

Toby Danylchuk

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About the author 

Toby is the co-founder of 39 Celsius. He has over 20 years of digital marketing experience and has started several companies throughout his career. He's an expert in SEO, Social Media Ads, Google Ads, Marketing Automation, and more. He has a BA in Chemistry/Biochemistry from UC San Diego and an MBA from SDSU.

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